
Check a com­pany in the Serbian busi­ne­ss register

Data for com­pa­nies in Serbia is verified in the databases of the Serbian tax autho­ri­ty (Poreska uprava) and the National bank of Serbia (Narodna banka Srbije).

Data regarding com­pa­nies registered in the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija can be limited.

The avai­la­ble data is the com­pany status, VAT ID and registration number, com­pany title and address, the date of registration, the registered core busi­ne­ss, bank accounts, registered with the central bank and valid VAT rates.

Even though Serbia is a candidate to join the EU, data on com­pa­nies from Serbia is not avai­la­ble on VIES.Use to verify Serbian VAT IDs:

Daily monitoring and JSON API also avai­la­ble.

Notification samples

When a change with a particular com­pany is noted, a notification with registered changes will be sent to you. Once per week, sends a status report(XLSX file) with all avai­la­ble data on com­pa­nies you are tracking.

Unique com­pany identifier

A registration number (matični broj - MB) is issued to all com­pa­nies upon formation and registration in the offi­ci­al busi­ne­ss register. With registration, a com­pany also rece­ives a tax number (poreski identifikacioni broj - PIB). checks com­pa­nies using the tax number in the offi­ci­al register. Here is a list of valid number formats:

TypeNumber formatDescription
MB123456788 digit code
PIB1234567899 digit code

Covering more than 40 coun­tries verifies com­pa­nies in more than 40 coun­tries, EU and beyond - from Portugal in the west to Russia in the east and from Norway in the north to Cyprus , Israel and South Africa in the south. 
Daily monitoring and JSON API also avai­la­ble. coverage is constantly expanding and needs new data sources. Do you know any? is used by:

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